New York City Career Coach

Career Coaching with Coach Becky

Finding true and lasting fulfillment at work is not as simple as transferring to a new department at work, quitting your job, scanning Indeed or LinkedIn for jobs that sound better than the one you have, Googling your way through career options to see which one of the “31 flavors” available seems to be the most likely candidate for a career you would like.

Instead you have to go deep. Career coaching will help you do just that. Coach Becky will ask you tough and inspiring questions, offer support and new ways of looking at your life and your choices, and guide you through a process designed to help you

  • Uncover your dreams
  • Face your fears
  • Let go of patterns that have been holding you back
  • Get clear on the direction in which you want to head and why you want to be there
  • Figure out what it will take for you to get there
  • And, most importantly, GO!

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“Becky pushed me to think in new ways, breaking through the illusions of barriers for living the life I want. I was at a point in my life when I was considering graduate school, but felt pulled in many directions, ambiguously ambitious and paralyzed as a result. Now after working with Becky, I have a clear vision, goal and practical path to live the life I want. I am calm and empowered, seeing how all of my life is channeling me to live inside my vision.”

Partnering with Coach Becky means you will see results!

Coach Becky has designed a comprehensive career coaching program to give you the clarity and confidence you need to take bold steps towards a career your truly love, a career you will know will bring you fulfillment for many years to come.

The Now, Wow, Next! career coaching program pulls together all of the best strategies, tools, and support to ensure you see the real life results you crave.



For those who prefer a less structured approach, Career Coaching can also occur for just 2 or 3 sessions or for as long as a year depending on your needs. Coach Becky will work with you to determine the approach that will work best for you.


Career coaching with Coach Becky will help you find the career that you are *meant* to have – the work that feels like *you just being you.*

Read more about Coach Becky here.


Call or email Coach Becky today for a FREE consultation to learn more about how career coaching can help you build a career you love!

I had built a career in international education over almost a decade in China, including earning an MBA and starting my own company there. Despite all this, I heard a clear call for a change. In a very short amount of time, with the compassion of a therapist and the strategic approach of a consultant, Becky was able to guide me to a vision of a future I wanted and could build toward. I had tried a few other career coaches, but Becky’s techniques weren’t off-the-shelf like most others. Each step of the approach was tailored to her assessment of me and what was unfolding in the moment. She also clearly loves what she does and invests personally in guiding you toward your version of fulfillment.”

Sessions can occur in person, via Skype, or over the phone nationwide. Whether or not you are in New York City Career Coach Becky Emet is happy to work with you.

Before You Leave Your Job


Thinking about quitting your job?

Check out this article to get a few tips before you jump ship!